Our ideal Tonic & Gin – with Bon Accord
In the run-up to International Gin & Tonic Day, The Scottish Gin Society decided to see what the creators of the Scottish tonics think makes a perfect Gin & Tonic… or should that be Tonic & Gin?
We asked them:

“In our mind, a G&T is meant to have that subtle bite of quinine in it, without being the main event. Of course, whatever the gin and tonic (as long as it’s Bon Accord Tonic of course…!!), it has to be cold, crisp and strong!”

“The Bon Accord Tonic has less quinine in it, which is perfect for the delicate, botanical taste of Edinburgh Gin 1670, and the garnish is a simple basil leaf. It’s a delicious drink – you should try it for yourself and you’ll know what we’re talking about!”
Well, that’s one on our list to try – Bon Accord Tonic with Edinburgh Gin 1670, plenty of ice and garnished with a basil leaf.